• 23 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 1 Worksheet

  • 5 Files

  • Video 1 - Course Introduction

  • Video 2 - Patient Language

  • Video 3 - Reactive Muscle Challenge Test

  • Video 4 - Challenge Testing

  • Video 5 - Asking Body Yes or No Questions

  • Video 6 Communicating with the body at the feet

  • Video 7 - Clearing (the tension/relaxation) Challenge patterns

  • Video 8 - Clearing (Tension/Relaxation) Patterns Part 2

  • Video 9 - Clearing Access Points Part 3

  • Video 10 - Chief Complaint Access Point

  • Video 11 - After The First Session Conversation

  • Video 12 - Connecting the Body-Mind & Heart

  • New Patient Nazila. How to work with a new patient + 10 Other Bonus Videos

  • Important Documents To Download

  • Prosperity Meditation

  • Added 31 Jan 2024 - Top CRQH Practitioner Mistakes

  • Starting & Building Your Own Clients For CRQH

  • Client Care. Time/Money Balance & More. Recorded 11th October 2023

  • Masterclass June 6th 2024

  • Show The Patient The Stress Diagram

  • The Patient Evaluation

  • Also On The Patient's First Visit...

  • How To Set Up A Treatment Plan